The other day the white butterflies who like the pasture wild flowers where doing some elaborate group flying maneuvers, until I appeared with my camera. I have a few pictures of the white butterflies, but this was the only yellow butterfly hanging around. I wonder if he was lost, or if he just liked feeling unique.
things that tickle my fancy ~ photography, being easily amused, hobbit children, honesty, outdoorsy stuff, having faith, vanilla, key lime, not growing up, camp songs, the smell of fresh cut alfalfa, horses, coffee, road trips, thunderstorms, tea, clean sheets, lazy days, the smell of fresh cut grass, the smell of the barn, the dawn breaking ,the purple hour, laughing until my face aches, being the little spoon, earl grey, sharpies in every color, miniature things, tinkerbell, diet coke, fresh cut flowers, friends, the smell of rain, driving with the windows down and the radio turned up, trying something new, comfy jammies, cuddling, newly tilled soil, butterfties dancing, betas, lilacs, monarchs, wild flowers